At Least Do Something

The answer was ."Just keep giving presentations." and he also told me about Toastmasters. Toastmasters is a group of people that give presentations to each other and then give feedback. There is probably one in your area. Back to the point. We read and learn and watch videos and go to seminars, but what most of us don't do, is the actual work to be successful. We keep building the dreams bigger and bigger, but never light the fire of actual desire. Educating ourselves is important, yes. Do you want to be the 40 year old college student that is still working on their 5th masters and still hasn't found a job? We can learn just as much by doing as we do by reading or watching videos. If you have been educating yourself for a few months, maybe even a few years. It's time to start taking action.
Scary as hell
Moving forward is scary as hell. I remember my first few presentations. I would start out shaking and could never seem to catch my breath. My first blog was more like a manuscript than talking. As time went on and I kept doing something. I got better and more proficient at both. I never stopped learning. I still read daily, watch videos or work online programs that still give me things to work on. But, I guess that is the key word, "work." Take a step toward your goals and stop just reading how to get to them. Action will define your more than the size of your library will.Love ya
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