
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Four colors that will help build your business

As network marketers we are in the people business and by understanding each other do we really succeed!

Talking to anyone the way we would talk to ourselves will only succeed with those who are exactly like us. That means about 75% of the opportunities are missed. If you want to be a master recruiter for your home business you must first understand the four personality types. Learning and understanding the type of person you are talking to can help explain your opportunity to them in the way them see the world. Here are the four personality types. It is a quick but helpful summary

The first of the four personality types is Yellow.

BUT Yellows more than anything want to help people so emphasize how the products of your business help others in some way, such as health, income, environmental, etc. Their weaknesses are that they DO NOT like to sell, they don’t like pushy people, they are not money motivated, and not really great planners.

The second of the four personality types is Green.

Greens are way too analytical for their own good. They spend most of their time planning and organizing to where they never start anything. They have hundreds of questions which just lead to more questions. In a network marketing business they make great trainers because they leave nothing out! But once a Green commits to something they are extremely loyal.

The third of the four personality types is Blue.

They get bored easily, can be extremely hard of getting ahold of, completely unorganized, and forgetful. You can never get them to slow down to listen to you for five minutes. Blues are fun, outgoing, and instantaneous people, and are moving targets! Blues have a way of motivating others and making things fun! However, Blues always know more Blues!

The forth group of the four personality types is Red.

They can be abrupt, bossy, and fed up with people who aren’t as driven as they are.And Reds have a tendency to think that they are right….always. They don’t wait around for others to show them what to do. The good thing is Reds are leaders. If you sponsor a Red, pat yourself on the back because you got money right there with little effort because your Red recruit wont need you! They take their own initiative and go get what they want.

You can learn more by going to Mentoring For Free and downloading the free
Ebook Success in 10 Steps

It is so much fun to be able to look at some one and pick out there main personality color. Now you know more about them in 2 minutes than you would talking to then for an hour.

"A mentor with a servants heart"
Brian Frank

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What you need to know about joining any network marketing company Part 3

How are the Products?

The products the network marketing companies have to offer are great 99.9% of the time.

  So every company gets a triple gold star here.  I have not run across a company that does not have a great usable juice, pill, food, item that was entirely bad.  So promote your product to everyone. Give it away and let others try it. This is a great way to get people to see your product and can open them up to be a prospect.

If your company does not have a product that is usable or consumable then it really is not a mlm company.

  "What??" you say  "How can you say that??" "I have the best Gifting program ever!!".  Gifting programs or 2x2 programs where you see money only exchange hand or your paid on just sponsoring people are pyramid scams.  So if all the hype is there, again take a step back and ask yourself is there a product or service that I am paying for? If not, run away!
If you are not sure then ask a mentor you can find a free mentor with no agenda  here Mentoring For Free

Brian Frank
A mentor with a servants heart

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What you need to know before joining any network marketing company------ Part 2

What are some of the things to look for and how to find them

So you got a presentation on a company, and it looks like the best thing in the world.  They told you how fast they are growing,  that making money if you have a big enough dream and talk to your family and friends this will be a breeze.  Oh and the person giving the presentation is a big 4 star universal gem level 6 times over.  He will tell you that he built his organization in a little over 6 months.  I'm exsaturating a bit, but probably a little bit.  you are so ready to sign on the dotted line...STOP.  Take a deep breath.  The same opportunity will still be here next week and if it isn't then you just saved yourself so money.  So as I said in part 1 do some research.

The internet is a great place to do some real research

You can start by checking this site. This site tells it like it is about any network marketing company with no hype.
- You will want to do some searches on the owner or CEO of the company.  You want to format the seach like this " First name  Last Name"  press enter.  do not click on the first or second page start about page 4-5 and see if anything shows up.  If nothing bad shows up then mark it good.  Ask this question to your maybe soon to be upline.  "Has to owner of this company built his own organization in any other mlm company.  If he doesn't know then have him ask his upline and so on.  If the Owner of the mlm company has not built his own organization, then he does not know what it takes.  he is a corporate guy and is looking at the bottom line.  Why is this important?  If the company is not making enough money the first thing they will do to stay in business is cut the commissions (your money) to be paid out.  That means you would make less money with more effort.  The network marketing companies that are created out of successful network marketers know what you want and need and will work with you more.

Ask the 10,000.00 question. 

 The question is How many people does it take to have in my organization to make 10,000.00 per month.  Why is this important?  Look at it this way, if you needed 2500 people or 400 people in your business to make 10,000.00 per month what would you chose, if all else was equal.This is very important.  It really lets you know who much is pair to the field(distributors). You can really break it down just by dividing the number of people you need by 10,000.  Example 1 -- 2500 / 10,000 =  4.00 per person on the avg.  Example 2 400/10,000 = 25.00 per person.  That is a big difference.  If you want to know why some companies pay a smaller amount per person you can find out by downloading this free e-book. Free E-book or get more personal help go here - Brian Frank's Free Training 

You can follow me on twitter or facebook 

And feel free to leave a comment.

Brian Frank
A Mentor with a Servants Heart

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Your responsibility is to you.

My Mentor Michael Dlouhy sent this to me.  It is a great rule to follow by in your life and in your mlm business. Its a great read.

People get mixed up about their responsibility in their life.
You are NOT responsible for what other people do. Sometimes someone does something that harms you and you think, "I shouldn't have let that happen."
Not true. You are not responsible. If you try to claim responsibility for something that is not in your power to control, then you actually diminish your ability to control your life. Why? Because deep inside, you know such actions are out of your control. And if you make yourself responsible for something that is out of your control, then you are walking down a losing road.
You ARE 100% responsible for how you react to what other people do. You don't have to be "done in" by anything anybody else does. It is your decision what you focus on. So how you react is always your choice. If you choose to react as a victim, then once again, you are walking down a losing road. The correct choice is to learn from your mistake and put yourself in a position where YOU are in control of the situation, never a victim. This may take some thought, but the solution is always there.
You are NOT responsible for bad things that happen in your life. You ARE 100% responsible for how you react to the bad things that happen. --Michael Dlouhy.

The lesson-  Keep control of YOUR life.  That is the only thing in your control.  When something bad happens to you, respond in the most positive way you can.  Don't follow down the road of victim it gets you no where and the goal is to keep moving forward in your life and business.

Brian Frank
Be a mentor with a servants heart